What is TR33?

TR33 is a Web3 enabled Linktree style profile page for Artists on NEAR. It is a place where you can showcase your social links, create a short profile, highlight your latest NFT and allow your fans to claim their own NEAR account. TR33 is an easy way for Artists to onboard their fans and promote their NFTs.

Who can use TR33?

Anyone can use TR33! Even though TR33 is catered to Artists, anyone is able to create a profile. In order to create your profile you will need to have a NEAR account. If you don’t have one you can claim one on our DAOrecords TR33 here.

How do I sign up?

Once you have an account on NEAR, you can easily sign up for your TR33 on our login page. You will need to provide your email address and create a password. Confirm and verify in your email and you’re ready to build your TR33!

Personalizing your TR33

You can personalize your TR33 with your avatar, social links, a short bio and highlight it with a link to your latest NFT. This is made easy on our personalization page once you’re logged in.

How do I onboard my fans?

Once you’ve set up your TR33 you can link it to your socials and share it with your fans and community. There is a Claim Account button on the bottom of your TR33 where it is easy for people to create a NEAR account. After claiming, your fans and community will be redirected to your TR33.

What’s coming next for TR33?

We will be adding additional functions to TR33 as we grow. One will be a dashboard where you will be able to see all the people who have signed up using your TR33. This can help you airdrop NFTs or cultivate your community in a variety of ways. Additionally, we plan to integrate a referral system as well as additional features requested by the community. Do you have ideas you want to see come to TR33? Let us know!